
The Lattice Science Publication (LSP) is a registered open-access, peer-reviewed publisher specialising in disseminating scientific, original, and cutting-edge research articles for the periodical journals in the fields of Engineering, Technology, Science, Management, Humanities, Biology (Zoology and Botany), Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Education, Literature, Agriculture, Economics, Finance, Social Science and Literature, Mass Communication and Journalism, Dental Sciences, Medical Sciences, Pharmaceutical Sciences, and Preventive Medicine and Health since year 2020.

Authors can submit articles throughout the year electronically using the “Article Submission System  from the journal website. The submitted articles should be original and not have been published elsewhere or are currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. Additionally, the submitted articles must be relevant to the journal’s scope. Each article will undergo a double-anonymized peer-review process. The editor retains the right to reject any article lacking originality or quality without submitting it for peer-review.

Authors can use tools like Grammarly or similar applications to help with the proofreading process. As an open-access journal, authors must pay an Article Processing Charge (APC) to publish their articles and retain copyright. Additionally, authors should familiarise themselves with the journal’s editorial and publishing policies.

After the rigorous peer-review process, approval of the article, and submission of all required documents, the article will be published online without delay. However, the editorial team will decide whether to assign the article to a specific issue. Authors will receive a notification accordingly. Additionally, if the submitted articles correspond to a particular theme, the editor may invite authors to contribute to a specific issue.

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