Journal Consortium:
The Lattice Science Publication (LSP) is a registered open-access, peer-reviewed publisher specialising in disseminating scientific, original, and cutting-edge research articles in the fields of Engineering, Technology, Science, Management, Humanities, Biology (Zoology and Botany), Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Education, Literature, Agriculture, Economics, Finance, Social Science and Literature, Mass Communication and Journalism, Dental Sciences, Medical Sciences, Pharmaceutical Sciences, and Preventive Medicine and Health since year 2020. The journal consortium of the Lattice Science Publication (LSP) is listed below.

The International Journal of Advanced Dental Sciences and Technology (IJADST) is an open-access, peer-reviewed, bi-monthly international journal with an ISSN 2582-757X (online). Starting in 2020, the Lattice Science Publication (LSP) published it periodically in February, April, June, August, October, and December.

The International Journal of Advanced Dental Sciences and Technology (IJADST) aims to publish high-quality peer-reviewed original articles in the area of Dental Sciences that cover Community Dentistry, Conservative Dentistry, Dental Implants, Endodontics, Dental Oral Medicine, Dental Radiology, Oral Pathology, Orthodontics, Dentofacial, Orthopaedics, Periodontics, Prosthodontics, Dental Physiology, Oral Anatomy Physiology, Tooth Morphology, Oral Microbiology, Dental Oral Surgery, Dental Maxillofacial Surgery, Dental Public Health , and all interdisciplinary branches of Dental Sciences.

The authors can submit articles electronically throughout the year using the “Article Submission System”. The submitted articles must be original and not previously published or under consideration for publication elsewhere. The articles should be within the scope of the journal. Each submitted article will undergo a double-anonymized peer-review process. The editor has the authority to accept only those articles meeting the standards of quality and originality after the peer-review process.

Authors can use tools like Grammarly or similar applications to help with the proofreading process. As an open-access journal, authors must pay an Article Processing Charge (APC) to publish their articles and retain copyright. Additionally, authors should familiarise themselves with the journal’s editorial and publishing policies.

The International Journal of Advanced Medical Sciences and Technology (IJAMST) is an open-access, peer-reviewed, bi-monthly international journal with an ISSN 2582-7596 (online). Starting in 2020, the Lattice Science Publication (LSP) published it periodically in February, April, June, August, October, and December.

The International Journal of Advanced Medical Sciences and Technology (IJAMST) aims to publish high-quality peer-reviewed original articles in the area of Medical Sciences that cover Anatomy, Biochemistry, Pharmacology, Pathology, Cardiology, Dermatology, Venereology, Haematology, Anaesthesia, Obstetrics, Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Medicine, Physiology, Surgery, Dentary, Microbiology, Ophthalmology, Otorhinolaryngology, Orthopaedics, Psychiatry, Radiology, Venereal Diseases, Infectious Diseases, Diabetes, Cancer Research, Serology, Endocrinology, Urology, Gastroenterology, Neurology, Nephrology, Medical Education, Health Improvement Strategies, and all interdisciplinary branches of Medical Sciences.

The authors can submit articles electronically throughout the year using the “Article Submission System”. The submitted articles must be original and not previously published or under consideration for publication elsewhere. The articles should be within the scope of the journal. Each submitted article will undergo a double-anonymized peer-review process. The editor has the authority to accept only those articles meeting the standards of quality and originality after the peer-review process.

Authors can use tools like Grammarly or similar applications to help with the proofreading process. As an open-access journal, authors must pay an Article Processing Charge (APC) to publish their articles and retain copyright. Additionally, authors should familiarise themselves with the journal’s editorial and publishing policies.

The International Journal of Preventive Medicine and Health (IJPMH) is an open-accesspeer-reviewed, bi-monthly international journal with an ISSN 2582-7588 (online). Starting in 2020, the Lattice Science Publication (LSP) published it periodically in March, May, July, September, November, and January.

The International Journal of Preventive Medicine and Health (IJPMH) aims to publish high-quality peer-reviewed original articles in the area of Medicine and Health that cover Medicine, Nipah Virus, COVID-19, Viruses of all Versions, Antibiotic Resistance, Breastfeeding, Behavioural Health, Clinical Trials, Community Health, Child or Adolescent Health, Chronic Diseases, Disease Transmission, Human Nutrition, Immunization, Maternal Health, Primary Healthcare, Public Health, Reproductive Health, Vaccination, Epidemiological Diagnosis, Epidemiology, Biostatistics, Medical Anthropology, Health Care Management, and all interdisciplinary branches of Medicine and Health.

The authors can submit articles electronically throughout the year using the “Article Submission System”. The submitted articles must be original and not previously published or under consideration for publication elsewhere. The articles should be within the scope of the journal. Each submitted article will undergo a double-anonymized peer-review process. The editor has the authority to accept only those articles meeting the standards of quality and originality after the peer-review process.

Authors can use tools like Grammarly or similar applications to help with the proofreading process. As an open-access journal, authors must pay an Article Processing Charge (APC) to publish their articles and retain copyright. Additionally, authors should familiarise themselves with the journal’s editorial and publishing policies.

The International Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research (IJAPSR) is an open-access, peer-reviewed, bi-monthly international journal with an ISSN 2582-7618 (online). Starting in 2020, the Lattice Science Publication (LSP) published it periodically in February, April, June, August, October, and December.

The International Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research (IJAPSR) aims to publish high-quality peer-reviewed original articles in the area of Pharmaceutical Sciences that cover Pharmaceutical Technology, Pharmaceutical Microbiology, Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Pharmacokinetics, Medical Physiology, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry, Computational Chemistry, Molecular Drugs, Pharmacognosy, Phyto Chemistry, Pharmacology, Pharmaceutical Analysis, Pharmacy Practice, Clinical Pharmacy, Hospital Pharmacy, Cell Biology, Genomics, Proteomics, Pharmacogenomics, Bioinformatics, Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs, and all interdisciplinary branches of Pharmaceutical Sciences.

The authors can submit articles electronically throughout the year using the “Article Submission System”. The submitted articles must be original and not previously published or under consideration for publication elsewhere. The articles should be within the scope of the journal. Each submitted article will undergo a double-anonymized peer-review process. The editor has the authority to accept only those articles meeting the standards of quality and originality after the peer-review process.

Authors can use tools like Grammarly or similar applications to help with the proofreading process. As an open-access journal, authors must pay an Article Processing Charge (APC) to publish their articles and retain copyright. Additionally, authors should familiarise themselves with the journal’s editorial and publishing policies.

The Indian Journal of Data Communication and Networking (IJDCN) is an open-access, peer-reviewed, bi-monthly international journal with an ISSN 2582-760X (online). Starting in 2020, the Lattice Science Publication (LSP) published it periodically in February, April, June, August, October, and December.

The aim of the Indian Journal of Data Communication and Networking (IJDCN) is to publish high-quality peer-reviewed original articles in the area of Data Communication and Networking that shields Network Architectures, Routing, Internet of Things (IoT), Authentication, Accounting, Security and Privacy, Cross-Layer Optimization, Multimedia & Real-Time Communication, Smart Cities, Network Measurements & Performance Analysis, Reliability & QoS, Testbeds for Network Experiments, Network Coding, Optical and High-Speed Networks, Digital System & Logic Design, Networked-Driven Multicourse Chips, Information-Centric & Opportunistic Networking, Mobile & Ubiquitous Networking, Big Data & Cloud Networking, Network Function Virtualization, Adaptive Networking, Network Applications, 5G & 6G Communication, Antenna, Communicating Devices, and all interdisciplinary associates of Data Communication and Networking.

The author can submit articles electronically throughout the year using the “Article Submission System”. Submitted articles must have yet to be published or are currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. In addition, the submitted articles must be within the journal’s scope. Each article will undergo a double-anonymized peer-review process. The editors retain the right to reject any articles that lack quality or originality without sending them for review.

Authors may use tools such as Grammarly or similar applications to assist in proofreading. As an open-access journal, authors must remit an Article Processing Charge (APC) to have their articles published and secure copyright. Furthermore, authors should familiarise themselves with the journal’s editorial and publishing policies

The Indian Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networking (IJAINN) is an open-accesspeer-reviewed, bi-monthly international journal with an ISSN 2582-7626 (online). Since 2020, the Lattice Science Publication (LSP)  has published it periodically in February, April, June, August, October, and December.

The aim of the Indian Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networking (IJAINN) is to disseminate high-quality, peer-reviewed original Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networking articles, encompassing Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic, Biological Algorithms, Optimization Algorithms, Genetic Algorithms, Reasoning & Inference, Artificial Intelligence Algorithms, Machine Learning Algorithms, AI Applications, Multimedia & Cognitive Informatics, Data Mining, Heuristic & AI Planning, AI Architecture, Knowledge-based Algorithms, Bioinformatics, Natural Language Processing, Multi-Agent Systems, Regression & Prediction, Clustering, Classification, Neural Information Processing, Vision & Speech Perception, Heterogeneous Algorithms, Probabilistic Models & Methods, AI Marketing, Knowledge Discovery, Web Mining & Information Retrieval, Design & Diagnosis, Game Playing, Data Streaming, Music Modelling & Analysis, as well as Robotics & Control, and all relevant interdisciplinary aspects of Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networking.

The author can submit articles electronically throughout the year using the “Article Submission System”. All submitted articles must not have been previously published or be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Additionally, they must align with the journal’s scope. Each article will undergo a thorough peer-review process with double anonymization. The editors reserve the right to reject any articles lacking in quality or originality without proceeding to the review stage.

Authors are encouraged to utilize tools such as Grammarly or similar applications to aid in the proofreading process. As a journal offering open-access, authors must submit an Article Processing Charge (APC) to publish their articles and to retain the copyright. In addition, authors need to familiarize themselves with the journal’s editorial and publishing policies.

The Indian Journal of Image Processing and Recognition (IJIPR) is an open-access, peer-reviewed, bi-monthly international journal with an ISSN 2582-8037 (online). Starting in 2020, the Lattice Science Publication (LSP) published it periodically in February, April, June, August, October, and December.

The Indian Journal of Image Processing and Recognition (IJIPR) aims to publish high-quality, peer-reviewed original articles within the field of Image Processing and Recognition. The journal covers a wide range of topics, including Active Vision and Robotics, Autonomous Systems, Chemical & Spectral Sensitization, Photosensitive Materials, Coating, Coding, Color Imaging, Visual Data, Data Fusion, Display & Printing, Holography, Image Processing & Analysis, Image Sensing & Scanning, Latent Image, Electro-Photography, Monitoring & Surveillance, Real-Time Video Transport, Non-Impact Printing Technologies, Object Modeling, Knowledge Acquisition, Photoconductors, Photographic Emulsions, Photopolymers, Printing Technologies, Packet Video, Image Retrieval, Multimedia, Storage and Transmission, Video Coding Algorithms, Image & Text Recognition, Visual Services for ATM/Packet Network, and all interdisciplinary associates of Image Processing and Recognition.

Authors can submit articles electronically throughout the year using the “Article Submission System.” Submitted articles must be original and not previously published or under consideration elsewhere. Additionally, they must be relevant to the journal’s scope. Each article will undergo a peer-review process, and the identities of both the authors and the reviewers will be kept confidential. The editorial team reserves the right to reject articles lacking in quality or originality without sending them for review.

Authors must acknowledge that they have comprehensively reviewed the content of their submitted article and ensured its adherence to acceptable English grammar and usage standards. Authors are encouraged to utilize tools such as Grammarly or similar applications to facilitate the proofreading process. As an open-access journal, authors must remit an Article Processing Charge (APC) for publishing their articles while retaining copyright. Furthermore, authors must acquaint themselves with the journal’s editorial and publishing policies.

The Indian Journal of Production and Thermal Engineering (IJPTE) is an open-access, peer-reviewed, bi-monthly international journal with an ISSN 2582-8029 (online). Starting in 2020, the Lattice Science Publication (LSP) published it periodically in February, April, June, August, October, and December.

The Indian Journal of Production and Thermal Engineering (IJPTE) seeks to publish high-quality original articles in the field of Production and Thermal Engineering, including Thermodynamics, Gas Turbines, Petrochemicals, Solar Systems, Combustion Systems, Nano-Fluids, Heat Exchangers, Heat Transfer, Transition to Turbulence, Satellite Meteorology, Production Planning and Control, Workforce Skills, Casting Trends, Machining Technology, Tools and Precision, Manufacturing, Genetic Algorithms, Metrology and Inspection, Automation and Rapid Manufacturing, Productivity Enhancement, Maintenance Engineering, Tribology, SMEs, Reliability and Quality Engineering, and as well as all interdisciplinary aspects of Production and Thermal Engineering.

The author can submit articles electronically throughout the year using the “Article Submission System”. Submitted articles must have yet to be published or are currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. In addition, the submitted articles must be within the journal’s scope. Each article will undergo a double-anonymized peer-review process. The editors retain the right to reject any articles that lack quality or originality without sending them for review.

Authors must acknowledge that they have comprehensively reviewed the content of their submitted article and ensured its adherence to acceptable English grammar and usage standards. Authors are encouraged to utilize tools such as Grammarly or similar applications to facilitate the proofreading process. As an open-access journal, authors must remit an Article Processing Charge (APC) for publishing their articles while retaining copyright. Furthermore, authors must acquaint themselves with the journal’s editorial and publishing policies.

The Indian Journal of Signal Processing (IJSP) is an open-access, peer-reviewed, quarterly international journal with an ISSN 2582-8320 (online). Starting in 2021, the Lattice Science Publication (LSP) published it periodically in February, May, August, and November.

The aims of the Indian Journal of Signal Processing (IJSP) is to publish high-quality, peer-reviewed original articles covering a wide range of topics in Signal Processing, including Fourier Transform, Coding Theory, Continuous Time Signal, Algorithms and Architecture, Analog and Signal Processing and Analysis, Signal Compression, Wavelet Theory, Filter Design and Structure, Time-Frequency Analysis, Spectral Estimation, Noise Control, Echo Cancellation, Psychoacoustics, Room Acoustics, Digital Transform, HDTV, Machine Vision, Data Fusion, VLSI Hardware, Signal Processor, Mapping, CAD Tool, Language Software, Real-Time Software, Radar, Sonar, Biomedical Signal Processing, Geophysical Signal Processing, Underwater Signal Processing, Satellite Signals Processing, Remote Sensing, Robotics, and as well as other interdisciplinary areas related to Signal Processing.

Authors can submit articles electronically throughout the year using the “Article Submission System.” Submitted articles must have yet to be published or be under consideration for publication elsewhere. In addition, the article must be within the journal’s scope. Each article will undergo a double-anonymized peer-review process. The editors retain the right to reject any articles that lack quality or originality without sending them for review.

Authors may use tools such as Grammarly or similar applications to assist in proofreading. As an open-access journal, authors must remit an Article Processing Charge (APC) to have their articles published and secure copyright. Furthermore, authors should familiarise themselves with the journal’s editorial and publishing policies.

The Indian Journal of Software Engineering and Project Management (IJSEPM) is an open-access, peer-reviewed, half-yearly international journal with an ISSN 2582-8339 (online). Starting in 2021, the Lattice Science Publication (LSP) published it periodically in January and July.

The Indian Journal of Software Engineering and Project Management (IJSEPM) aims to publish high-quality, peer-reviewed original articles covering various topics in Software Engineering and Project Management, including Ethics of Software Engineering, Life Cycle Development Models, Project Planning and Scheduling, Software Testing and Integration, Software Metrics and Attributes, Risk Assessment and Containment, Software Reliability, Software Quality Assurance, Software Architecture, Project Leadership, Project Cost Estimation, Object-Oriented Development, Object Oriented Metrics, Object Oriented Testing, Formal Notations, Software Project Management Tools and Techniques, as well as other interdisciplinary areas related to Software Engineering and Project Management

The author can submit articles electronically throughout the year using the “Article Submission System”. The submitted articles must be original and not published or under consideration for publication elsewhere. Furthermore, the articles should fall within the scope of the journal. Each article will undergo a double-anonymized peer-review process. The editor reserves the authority only to accept articles that meet the standards of quality and originality after undergoing a peer-review process.

Authors can utilize resources like Grammarly or comparable applications for proofreading support. When submitting articles to our open-access journal, authors must pay an Article Processing Charge (APC) to cover publication costs and secure copyright. Additionally, authors should acquaint themselves with the journal’s editorial and publishing policies.

The Indian Journal of Computer Graphics and Multimedia (IJCGM) is an open-access, peer-reviewedhalf-yearly international journal with an ISSN 2582-8592 (online). Starting in 2021, the Lattice Science Publication (LSP) published it periodically in February and August.

The Indian Journal of Computer Graphics and Multimedia (IJCGM) seeks to publish top-tier, peer-reviewed original articles encompassing various aspects of Computer Graphics and Multimedia. These include 3D Reconstruction, Computer Animation, Computational Fabrication, Computational Photography, Computer Vision, Modelling and Compression, Geometric Processing, HCI, Image Processing and Retrieval, Rendering, Machine Learning, Medical Imaging, Pattern Recognition, Illumination, Robotics, Visualization, Shape Analysis, Textures, Virtual and Augmented Reality, Volume Rendering, Virtual Reality, Human-Computer Interaction, Video Editing, Multimedia Systems, and all other interdisciplinary subjects related to Computer Graphics and Multimedia.

The author can submit articles electronically throughout the year using the “Article Submission System”. The submitted articles must be original and not published or under consideration for publication elsewhere. Furthermore, the articles should fall within the scope of the journal. Each article will undergo a double-anonymized peer-review process. The editor reserves the authority only to accept articles that meet the standards of quality and originality after undergoing a peer-review process.

Authors can utilize resources like Grammarly or comparable applications for proofreading support. When submitting articles to our open-access journal, authors must pay an Article Processing Charge (APC) to cover publication costs and secure copyright. Additionally, authors should acquaint themselves with the journal’s editorial and publishing policies.

The Indian Journal of Design Engineering (IJDE) is an open-access, peer-reviewed,  half-yearly international journal with an ISSN 2582-8584 (online). Starting in 2021, the Lattice Science Publication (LSP) published it periodically in February and August.

The Indian Journal of Design Engineering (IJDE) is committed to disseminating high-quality, peer-reviewed original articles in the field of Design Engineering, encompassing a broad spectrum of topics including Product Design, Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Design, CAD, CAM, CAE, Sustainable Design, Renewable Energy Design, Integrated Design, Manufacturing Design, Concurrent Engineering, Machine Elements, Tribology Design, Lubrication Design, Mechanics, Mechatronics, Heat Transfer, Design Optimization, Prototyping, Materials Science, and Ergonomics, all interdisciplinary streams of Design Engineering.

Authors can submit articles electronically throughout the year using the “Article Submission System”. The articles must be original, should not have been published or be under consideration for publication elsewhere, and fall within the journal’s scope. Each submitted article will undergo a double-anonymized peer-review process. The editor reserves the authority to accept only those articles that meet the standards of quality and originality after the peer-review process. 

Authors can utilize resources like Grammarly or comparable applications for proofreading support. When submitting articles to our open-access journal, authors must pay an Article Processing Charge (APC) to cover publication costs and secure copyright. Additionally, authors should acquaint themselves with the journal’s editorial and publishing policies.

The Indian Journal of Microprocessors and Microcontroller (IJMM) is an open-access, peer-reviewed,  half-yearly international journal with an ISSN 2582-8835 (online). Starting in 2021, the Lattice Science Publication (LSP) published it periodically in March and September.

The Indian Journal of Microprocessors and Microcontroller (IJMM) aims to publish high-quality peer-reviewed original articles in the area of Microprocessors and Microcontroller that shield ASIC, Digital Circuits, Digital Signal Processor, FPGA, Graphics Processing Units, Instruction Set Architecture, Optimizing Microarchitecture, Leveraging Software Tools, Microprocessor and Microcontroller System, Microelectronic Devices and Circuits, Programmable Logic designing, SoC, SoPC, MPoC, NoC Designing, and all interdisciplinary streams of Microprocessors and Microcontroller.

Authors can submit articles electronically throughout the year using the “Article Submission System”. The submitted articles must be original and should not have been published or be under consideration for publication elsewhere. The articles should fall within the journal’s scope. Each submitted article will undergo a double-anonymized peer-review process. The editor reserves the authority to accept only those articles that meet the standards of quality and originality after the peer-review process.

Authors can utilize resources like Grammarly or comparable applications for proofreading support. When submitting articles to our open-access journal, authors must pay an Article Processing Charge (APC) to cover publication costs and secure copyright. Additionally, authors should acquaint themselves with the journal’s editorial and publishing policies

The Indian Journal of VLSI Design (IJVLSID) is an open-accesspeer-reviewed,  half-yearly international journal with an ISSN 2582-8843 (online). Starting in 2021, the Lattice Science Publication (LSP) published it periodically in March and September.

The Indian Journal of VLSI Design (IJVLSID) aims to publish high-quality peer-reviewed original articles in the area of VLSI Design that covers Integrated Circuit Design, Semiconductor Technology, System-on-Chip Design, Electronic Design Automation, Hardware Description Languages, Design Verification, Embedded Systems, Microelectronic Systems, Post-CMOS VLSI, VLSI Applications, Emerging Trends in VLSI Design and Technology, and all interdisciplinary streams of VLSI Design.

Authors can submit articles electronically throughout the year using the “Article Submission System”. The submitted articles must be original and should not have been published or be under consideration for publication elsewhere. The articles should fall within the journal’s scope. Each submitted article will undergo a double-anonymized peer-review process. The editor reserves the authority to accept only those articles that meet the standards of quality and originality after the peer-review process.

Authors can utilize resources like Grammarly or comparable applications for proofreading support. When submitting articles to our open-access journal, authors must pay an Article Processing Charge (APC) to cover publication costs and secure copyright. Additionally, authors should acquaint themselves with the journal’s editorial and publishing policies.

The Indian Journal of Advanced Chemistry (IJAC) is an open-access, peer-reviewed,  half-yearly international journal with an ISSN 2582-8975 (online). Starting in 2021, the Lattice Science Publication (LSP) published it periodically in April and October.

The objective of the Indian Journal of Advanced Chemistry (IJAC) is to publish high-quality peer-reviewed original articles in the area of Chemistry that covers Applied Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Structural Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry, Nuclear Chemistry, Bio-Chemistry, Industrial Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Environmental Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Theoretical Chemistry, Material Chemistry, and all interdisciplinary streams of Chemistry

The authors can submit articles electronically throughout the year using the “Article Submission System”. The submitted articles must be original and not previously published or under consideration for publication elsewhere. The articles should be within the scope of the journal. Each submitted article will undergo a double-anonymized peer-review process. The editor has the authority to accept only those articles meeting the standards of quality and originality after the peer-review process.

Authors can employ tools such as Grammarly or similar applications to help with proofreading. Upon submission of articles to our open-access journal, authors must pay an Article Processing Charge (APC) to offset publication expenses and obtain copyright. Furthermore, authors should familiarize themselves with the journal’s editorial and publishing policies.

The Indian Journal of Advanced Physics (IJAP) is an open-access, peer-reviewed, half-yearly international journal with an ISSN 2582-8983 (online). Starting in 2021, the Lattice Science Publication (LSP) published it periodically in April and October.

The Indian Journal of Advanced Physics (IJAP) aims to publish high-quality peer-reviewed original articles in the area of Physics that covers Astrophysics Physics, Atmospheric Physics, Space Physics, Atomic Physics, Molecular Physics, Biophysics, Condensed Matter Physics, Materials Physics, Electromagnetism Physics, Fluid Physics, Gravitation Physics, String Theory, Mathematical Physics, General Physics, Nonlinear Physics, Complex Physics, Nuclear Physics, Quantum Physics, Optics Physics, Spectroscopy Physics, Particle Physics, Plasma Physics, Relativity Physics, Cosmology Physics, Statistical Physics, Thermodynamics Physics, and all interdisciplinary branches of Physics.

The authors can submit articles electronically throughout the year using the “Article Submission System”. The submitted articles must be original and not previously published or under consideration for publication elsewhere. The articles should be within the scope of the journal. Each submitted article will undergo a double-anonymized peer-review process. The editor has the authority to accept only those articles meeting the standards of quality and originality after the peer-review process.

Authors can use tools like Grammarly or similar applications to help with the proofreading process. As an open-access journal, authors must pay an Article Processing Charge (APC) to publish their articles and retain copyright. Additionally, authors should familiarise themselves with the journal’s editorial and publishing policies.

The Indian Journal of Advanced Mathematics (IJAM) is an open-access, peer-reviewed, half-yearly international journal with an ISSN 2582-8932 (online). Starting in 2021, the Lattice Science Publication (LSP) published it periodically in April and October.

The Indian Journal of Advanced Mathematics (IJAM) aims to publish high-quality, peer-reviewed original articles in Mathematics. The IJAM covers a broad spectrum of Mathematics disciplines, including Applied Mathematics, Arithmetic, Algebra, Calculus, Geometry, Topology, Trigonometry, Combinatorics, Number Theory, Numerical Analysis, Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations, Mathematical Physics, Probability, Statistics, Game Theory, Operation Research, Discrete Mathematics, Business Mathematics, Financial Mathematics, and all interdisciplinary streams of Mathematics

Authors can submit articles electronically throughout the year using the Article Submission System.” All submitted articles must be original, exclusive to the journal, and relevant to the journal’s scope. Each submission will undergo a peer-review process in which the author and the reviewers remain anonymous. The editor can reject any article lacking originality or quality without submitting it for peer-review.

When submitting the article to the open-access journal, authors may utilize writing assistance tools like Grammarly or similar applications to assist with proofreading and editing. Additionally, authors must pay an Article Processing Charge (APC) upon submission to cover publication expenses and secure copyright for their articles. Authors must thoroughly acquaint themselves with the journal’s editorial and publishing policies to ensure their submissions adhere to them.

The Indian Journal of Management and Language (IJML) is an open-accesspeer-reviewed, half-yearly international journal with an ISSN 2582-886X (online). Starting in 2021, the Lattice Science Publication (LSP)  published it periodically in April and October.

The Indian Journal of Management and Language (IJML) aims to publish high-quality peer-reviewed original articles in the area of Management and Language that cover General Management, Strategic Management, Business Management, Marketing Management, Crisis Management, Advertising Management, Case Studies, Supply Chain Management, Quality Management, E-Management Practices, Technology Management, Industrial Management, Executive Management, Health and Safety Management, Financing Business and Accounting, Business Improvement Management, Resource Planning Management, Leadership Management, Policy Analysis and Management, Linguistics, Language Acquisition, Phonetics, Multilingualism, Language Education, Language Teaching Methodologies, Language Preservation, Language Policy, Impact of Technology on Languages, and all interdisciplinary streams of Management and Language.

The authors can submit articles electronically throughout the year using the “Article Submission System”. The submitted articles must be original and not previously published or under consideration for publication elsewhere. They should fall within the scope of the journal. Each submitted article will undergo a double-anonymized peer-review process. The editor retains the authority to accept only those articles that meet the standards of quality and originality following the peer-review process.

Authors can utilize tools like Grammarly or similar applications for effective proofreading. When submitting articles to our open-access journal, authors must pay an Article Processing Charge (APC) to cover publication expenses and acquire copyright. Additionally, authors should be acquainted with the journal’s editorial and publishing policies.

The Indian Journal of Advanced Zoology (IJAZ) is an open-access, peer-reviewed half-yearly international journal with an ISSN 2582-9521 (online). Starting in 2021, the Lattice Science Publication (LSP) published it periodically in April and October.

The Indian Journal of Advanced Zoology (IJAZ) aims to publish high-quality, peer-reviewed original articles covering various technical topics in Zoology. These include, but are not limited to, Animal Behavior, Anatomy, Biological Macromolecules, Animal Biology, Metabolism, Photosynthesis, Morphology, Animal Nutrition, Physiology, Systematics, Evolution, Myrmecology, Immune System, Ecology, Biosphere, Ecosystems, Taxonomy, Wildlife, Herpetology, Genomics, and Organisms, and all interdisciplinary streams of Zoology.

The authors can submit articles electronically throughout the year using the “Article Submission System”. All articles must be original and not published or currently under review elsewhere. The content of the articles should fall within the scope of the journal. Each submitted article will undergo a double-anonymized peer-review process. The editor has the authority to accept only those articles meeting the standards of quality and originality after the peer-review process.

Authors can employ tools such as Grammarly or similar applications to help with proofreading. Upon submission of articles to our open-access journal, authors must pay an Article Processing Charge (APC) to offset publication expenses and obtain copyright. Furthermore, authors should familiarize themselves with the journal’s editorial and publishing policies.

The Indian Journal of Advanced Botany (IJAB) is an open-access, peer-reviewed half-yearly international journal with an ISSN 2582-9475 (online). Starting in 2021, the Lattice Science Publication (LSP) published it periodically in April and October.

The Indian Journal of Advanced Botany (IJAB) aims to publish high-quality, peer-reviewed original articles covering a broad spectrum of Botany, including areas such as Plant Science, Morphology, Cell and Molecular Biology, Plant Physiology, Phytogeography, Evolutionary Biology, Plant Phylogeny, Plant Taxonomy, Crop Species, Plant Genetics, Plant Ecology, Plant Cell Science, Plant Molecular Biology, Plant Biochemistry, Plant Biophysics, Plant Bioinformatics, Woody Plants, Flowers and Reproduction, Plant Energy Metabolism, Soils and Mineral Nutrition, Development and Morphogenesis, Classification and Systematics, Nonvascular Plants, Vascular Plants, Seed Plants, Fungi, Plant Prokaryotes, Plant Populations, Plant Ecosystems, Biomes, Plant Biotechnology, Plant Pathology, Ethnobotany, Plant Conservation, and Plant Biodiversity, as well as all other interdisciplinary aspects of Botany.

Authors can submit articles electronically throughout the year using the “Article Submission System”. All submissions must be original, not previously published, or under review elsewhere. The article’s contents should align with the journal’s scope. Each submission will undergo a double-anonymized peer-review process. After peer-review, the editor can only accept submissions meeting the quality and originality standards.

Authors must pay an Article Processing Charge (APC) to cover publication costs and secure copyright when submitting articles to our open-access journal. To aid in proofreading, authors may utilize tools like Grammarly. Authors must also acquaint themselves with the journal’s editorial and publishing policies.

The Indian Journal of Data Mining (IJDM) is an open-access, peer-reviewed, half-yearly international journal with an ISSN 2582-9246 (online). Starting in 2021, the Lattice Science Publication (LSP) published it periodically in May and November.

The Indian Journal of Data Mining (IJDM) aims to publish high-quality, peer-reviewed original articles covering various technical topics in Data Mining, including, Data Science, Big Data Analytics, Machine Learning, Pattern Recognition, Predictive Modelling, Data Warehouse, Data Visualization, Scalable Computing, Cloud Computing, Knowledge Discovery, Information Retrieval, Social Mining, Data Classification, Data Clustering, Data Association, Data Regression, Data Cleaning, Feature Selection and Extraction, Data Mining Algorithms, Data Mining Methodology, Generalized Linear Models, Minimum Description Length, Naive Bayes, Non-Negative Matrix Factorization, Support Vector Machines, Artificial Intelligence, Industrial Challenges and Case Studies in Data Mining, and all interdisciplinary streams of Data Mining.

The authors can submit articles electronically throughout the year using the “Article Submission System”. Submitted articles must be entirely original and not previously published or under consideration elsewhere. The content of the articles should align with the scope of the journal. Each submitted article will undergo a double-anonymized peer-review process. The editor has the final decision-making authority to accept only those articles that meet the journal’s stringent criteria for quality and originality following the peer-review process.

Authors can use tools like Grammarly or similar applications to help with the proofreading process. As an open-access journal, authors must pay an Article Processing Charge (APC) to publish their articles and retain copyright. Additionally, authors should familiarise themselves with the journal’s editorial and publishing policies.

The Indian Journal of Environment Engineering (IJEE) is an open-access, peer-reviewed, half-yearly international journal with an ISSN 2582-9289 (online). Starting in 2021, the Lattice Science Publication (LSP) published it periodically in May and November.

The Indian Journal of Environment Engineering (IJEE) aims to publish high-quality, peer-reviewed original articles covering various technical topics in Environmental Engineering, including, Environmental Impact Assessment, Pollution Control, Waste Management, Waste Treatment, Environmental Chemistry, Environmental Microbiology, Sustainable Development, Climate Change, Environmental Policy, Ecological Engineering, Environmental Monitoring, Environmental Biology, Fluid Mechanics, Environmental Resources and Supply, Mining and Metallurgy Environmental, Industrial Environment Processing, Environmental Technologies, Environmental Engineering, and all interdisciplinary streams of Environment Engineering.

The authors can submit articles electronically throughout the year using the “Article Submission System”. All submitted articles must be entirely original and should not have been previously published or be under consideration elsewhere. The content of the articles must align with the journal’s scope. Each submitted article will undergo a double-anonymized peer-review process. The editor retains the final decision-making authority to accept only those articles that meet the journal’s stringent criteria for quality and originality following the peer-review process.

Authors can streamline proofreading tools such as Grammarly to enhance their articles. As an open-access journal, Authors must pay an Article Processing Charge (APC) to publish their articles and retain copyright. Furthermore, authors acquaint themselves with the journal’s editorial and publishing policies.

The Indian Journal of Transport Engineering (IJTE) is an open-access, peer-reviewed, half-yearly international journal with an ISSN 2582-9300 (online). Starting in 2021, the Lattice Science Publication (LSP) published it periodically in May and November.

The Indian Journal of Transport Engineering (IJTE) seeks to publish high-quality, peer-reviewed original articles encompassing numerous technical topics within Transport Engineering. These include Transport Planning, Design, Construction, Operation, and Management, as well as Roadway Engineering, Railway Engineering, Seaport (Harbor) Engineering, Airport Engineering, Traffic Operations, Traffic Control, Urban Transportation System and Infrastructure, Automated Vehicle Impact, Economics Aspect of Transportation, Safety Aspect of Transportation, Environmental Aspect of Transportation, and all interdisciplinary aspects related to Transport Engineering.

The authors can submit articles electronically throughout the year using the “Article Submission System”. The authors ensure that all articles submitted for publication must be wholly original and not have been previously published or under consideration elsewhere. The content of the articles should align with the scope of the journal. Each submitted article will undergo a double-anonymized peer-review process. The editor has the final authority to accept only those articles that meet the journal’s strict criteria for quality and originality following the peer-review process.

Authors can simplify proofreading tools like Grammarly to improve their articles. Authors must pay an Article Processing Charge (APC) and retain copyright when publishing in an open-access journal. Make sure to familiarize yourself with the journal’s editorial and publishing policies.

The Indian Journal of Structure Engineering (IJSE) is an open-access, peer-reviewed, half-yearly international journal with an ISSN 2582-922X (online). Starting in 2021, the Lattice Science Publication (LSP) published it periodically in May and November.

The Indian Journal of Structure Engineering (IJSE) focuses on publishing original, peer-reviewed articles covering a wide range of technical topics within the field of Structure Engineering. These topics include Infrastructure Engineering, Earthquake Engineering, Seismic Engineering, Fire Engineering, Blast Engineering, Multi-Hazard Engineering, Structural Value Engineering, Structural Dynamics, Structural Analysis, Structural Materials, Structure-Fluid-Soil Interaction, Wind Engineering, Structural Reliability, Structural Stability, Structural Assessment and Integrity, Structural Health Monitoring, Structural Optimization, Structural Digital Design Methods, Structural Additive Manufacturing, Construction, Pressure Vessels, Pipelines, Tunnels, Towers, Masts, Dams, Pools, Recent Advances in Structure Engineering, and all interdisciplinary aspects related to Structure Engineering.

The authors can submit articles electronically throughout the year using the “Article Submission System”. The authors must ensure that all submitted articles for publication are entirely original and have not been previously published or under consideration elsewhere. The content of the articles should align with the scope of the journal. Each article submitted will experience a double-anonymized peer-review process. The editor holds the final authority to accept only those articles that meet the journal’s stringent criteria for quality and originality following the peer-review process.

Authors must confirm that they have read and understood the content of their submitted article and ensure that it meets acceptable English grammar and usage standards. To help with the proofreading process, authors can use tools like Grammarly or similar applications. As an open-access journal, authors must pay an Article Processing Charge (APC) to publish their articles and retain copyright. Additionally, authors should familiarise themselves with the journal’s editorial and publishing policies.

The Indian Journal of Agriculture Engineering (IJAE) is an open-access, peer-reviewed, half-yearly international journal with an ISSN 2582-9319 (online). Starting in 2021, the Lattice Science Publication (LSP) published it periodically in May and November.

The Indian Journal of Agriculture Engineering (IJAE) focuses on publishing original, peer-reviewed articles covering various technical topics in Agriculture Engineering, including Agronomy, Water Engineering, Agriculture Engineering, Soil Engineering, Food Process Engineering, Agricultural Biotechnology, Post-Harvest Technology, Farm Machinery, Irrigation Systems, Sustainable Farming Practices, Renewable Energy, Environmental Control, and all interdisciplinary aspects related to Agriculture Engineering.

Authors can submit articles electronically throughout the year using the “Article Submission System”. Authors must submit entirely original articles that have not been previously published or are under consideration elsewhere. The content of the articles should align with the scope of the journal. Each submission will undergo a double-anonymized peer-review process. The final decision to accept articles after peer-review lies with the editor, who will ensure they meet the journal’s criteria for quality and originality.

Authors can use tools such as Grammarly or similar applications to check their work thoroughly for grammatical or spelling mistakes. As this is an open-access journal, authors must submit an Article Processing Charge (APC) to have their articles published and maintain control over the copyright. Authors should also acquaint themselves with the journal’s editorial and publishing policies.

The Indian Journal of Cryptography and Network Security (IJCNS) is an open-access, peer-reviewed, half-yearly international journal with an ISSN 2582-9238 (online). Starting in 2021, the Lattice Science Publication (LSP) published it periodically in May and November.

The Indian Journal of Cryptography and Network Security (IJCNS) is earmarked to publish original, peer-reviewed articles that delve into a wide range of technical topics in Cryptography and Network Security, including in-depth coverage of Cryptographic Algorithms, Network Protocols, Secure Communication Systems, Digital Signatures, Security Algorithms, Network Defence Mechanisms, Encryption Algorithms, Blockchain Technology, Information Security, Digital Forensics, Secure Data Storage Methods, Security Management, Privacy Management, Key Management, Trust Mechanisms, Data Integrity, Information Hiding, Vulnerability Assessment, Identification and Authentication, Threats and Countermeasures, Intrusion Detection and Prevention, Secure Cloud Computing, Ubiquitous Computing, Firewalls, Anti-Virus Measures, Anti-Hacker Measures, Tamper Resistant Software, and all interdisciplinary aspects related to Cryptography and Network Security.

Authors are encouraged to use the “Article Submission System” to submit their articles electronically at any time throughout the year. Submitted articles must be entirely original and should not have been previously published or be under consideration elsewhere. The articles’ content needs to align with the journal’s scope. After submission, each article will undergo a double-anonymized peer-review process. The final decision to accept articles after peer-review rests with the editor, who will ensure that they meet the journal’s criteria for quality and originality.

Authors can use helpful tools such as Grammarly or similar applications to examine their work for grammatical or spelling errors meticulously. Since this is an open-access journal, authors must submit an Article Processing Charge (APC) to have their articles published and maintain control over the copyright. Authors are also encouraged to familiarize themselves with the journal’s editorial and publishing policies before submission.

The Indian Journal of Petroleum Engineering (IJPE) is an open-access, peer-reviewed, half-yearly international journal with an ISSN 2582-9297 (online). Starting in 2021, the Lattice Science Publication (LSP) published it periodically in May and November.

The aims of the Indian Journal of Petroleum Engineering (IJPE) is to publish original, peer-reviewed articles that delve into a wide range of technical topics in Petroleum Engineering, including in-depth coverage of Oil and Gas Recovery, Petroleum Geochemistry, Reservoir Engineering, Reservoir Simulation, Rock Mechanics, Petrophysics, Petroleum Formation and Evaluation, Petroleum Testing, Petroleum Geology, Petroleum Economics, Petroleum Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, Exploration Methods, Petroleum Resources, Oil Refining, Fuel Technologies, Oil Shale Technology, Drilling and Production, Petrochemicals, Pollution related to the Petro Industry, and all interdisciplinary aspects related to Petroleum Engineering.

Authors are encouraged to use the “Article Submission System” to submit their articles electronically at any time throughout the year. Submitted articles must be entirely original and should not have been previously published or be under consideration elsewhere. The articles’ content needs to align with the journal’s scope. After submission, each article will undergo a double-anonymized peer-review process. The final decision to accept articles after peer-review rests with the editor, who will ensure that they meet the journal’s criteria for quality and originality.

Authors can employ valuable resources like Grammarly or comparable software to review their writing for grammar and spelling mistakes thoroughly. As this is an open-access publication, writers must pay an Article Processing Charge (APC) to get their articles published and retain copyright control. Furthermore, authors should ensure they acquaint themselves with the journal’s editorial and publishing policies before submitting their articles to the journal.

The Indian Journal of Economics and Finance (IJEF) is an open-access, peer-reviewed, half-yearly international journal with an ISSN 2582-9378 (online). It has been published by the Lattice Science Publication (LSP) periodically in May and November since 2021.

The aims of the Indian Journal of Economics and Finance (IJEF) is to disseminate top-notch, peer-reviewed research articles in Economics and Finance, covering a diverse array of topics such as Accounting, Finance, Tax, Auditing, Accounting Education, Environmental Accounting, Social Accounting, Public Sector Accounting, Corporate Finance, Investments, Derivatives, Banking Capital Markets, Mutual Funds, Economics, Ethical Issues in Economic and Finance, and all interdisciplinary areas within the overarching domains of Economics and Finance

Authors can electronically submit articles anytime using the “Article Submission System.” All submitted articles must be original, exclusive to the journal, and relevant to its scope. All submissions undergo a double-anonymized peer-review process. The editor reserves the right to reject any articles lacking in quality or originality without sending them for review.

Authors can utilize tools like Grammarly or similar applications to aid in proofreading. When publishing in open-access journals, authors are typically responsible for paying an Article Processing Charge (APC) to cover publication expenses and maintain ownership of their articles. Additionally, authors should familiarize themselves with the journal’s editorial and publishing policies.

The Indian Journal of Fibre and Textile Engineering (IJFTE) is an open-access, peer-reviewed, half-yearly international journal with an ISSN 2582-936X (online). Starting in 2021, the Lattice Science Publication (LSP) published it periodically in May and November.

The aims of the Indian Journal of Fibre and Textile Engineering (IJFTE) are to publish original, peer-reviewed articles that delve into a wide range of technical topics in Fibre and Textile Engineering, including in-depth coverage of Textile Physics, Clothing Comfort and Functionality, Nonwoven and Technical Textiles, Textile Industry and Market Trends, Textile Mechanics, Advanced Fibre and Textile Materials, Textile Chemistry, Textile Design and Technology, Textile Processing and Manufacturing, Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Textiles, Textile Testing and Quality Control, Fiber and Polymer Science, Textile Dyeing and Finishing Process, Textile Ergonomics, Fibre-Reinforced Composites, and all interdisciplinary aspects related to Fibre and Textile Engineering

Authors are encouraged to use the “Article Submission System” to submit their articles electronically at any time throughout the year. Submitted articles must be entirely original and should not have been previously published or be under consideration elsewhere. The articles’ content needs to align with the journal’s scope. After submission, each article will undergo a double-anonymized peer-review process. The final decision to accept articles after peer-review rests with the editor, who will ensure that they meet the journal’s criteria for quality and originality.

Authors can employ valuable resources like Grammarly or comparable software to review their writing for grammar and spelling mistakes thoroughly. As this is an open-access publication, writers must pay an Article Processing Charge (APC) to get their articles published and retain copyright control. Furthermore, authors should ensure they acquaint themselves with the journal’s editorial and publishing policies before submitting their articles to the journal.

The Indian Journal of Social Science and Literature (IJSSL) is an open-access, peer-reviewed, quarterly international journal with an ISSN 2583-0643 (online). It has been published by the Lattice Science Publication (LSP) periodically in March, June, September, and December since 2021.

The Indian Journal of Social Science and Literature (IJSSL) seeks to publish high-quality, peer-reviewed original articles in Social Science and Literature, encompassing a wide range of subjects, including Anthropology, Archaeology, Business Administration, Criminology, Economics, Education, Geography, History, Language, Literature, Law, Linguistics, Literary Genres, Management, Media, NGO, Political Science, Philosophy, Psychology, Social Policy, Sociology, Women Empowerment, Regions, Narrative, Thinking, Writing, Conflict, Community, Epics, Utopias, Fairytales, Myth, Folktales, Ghost Stories, Fiction, Epic Tradition, Biographic Arts, Film, Romanticism, Novel, Story, Poetry, Drama, Periods, Gender, Sexuality, Cinema, Hamlet, Critical Theory, Assemblage, and Disability Studies, among other interdisciplinary branches within the broader fields of Social Science and Literature.

Authors can electronically submit articles anytime using the “Article Submission System”. All submitted articles must be original, exclusive to the journal, and relevant to its scope. All submissions undergo a double-anonymized peer-review process, and the editor retains the right to reject any articles that lack quality or originality without sending them for review.

Authors must acknowledge their understanding of the content of their submitted article and verify compliance with the prescribed English grammar and usage standards. Authors may use tools such as Grammarly or similar applications to facilitate proofreading. Open-access journal publishers require authors to pay an Article Processing Charge (APC) to cover publication costs and retain copyright for their articles. Furthermore, authors are encouraged to acquaint themselves with the journal’s editorial and publishing policies.

The Indian Journal of Mass Communication and Journalism (IJMCJ) is an open-access, peer-reviewed, quarterly international journal with an ISSN 2583-0651 (online). Starting in 2021, the Lattice Science Publication (LSP) published it periodically in March, June, September, and December.

The aim of the Indian Journal of Mass Communication and Journalism (IJMCJ) is to publish high-quality peer-reviewed original articles in the area of Mass Communication and Journalism that cover Advertising and Ethical Standards, Journalism and Ethical Standards, Public Relations, Newspaper, Magazine, Radio Media, Television Media, Film, Media Studies, Media Influence, Media Law, Media Management, Media Economics, Social Science, Creative Nonfiction, Reporters Without Borders, Media Broadcasting, Corporate Media, Journalistic Professionalism, Media Balance, Social Dynamics, Political Discussion, Political Criticism, Political Commentary, Political Communication, Health Communication, Traditional and Digital Media, Public Relations, Media Technologies, cultural studies, Media Effects, and Emerging Trends in Journalism, and as well as all interdisciplinary aspects of Mass Communication and Journalism.

The author can submit articles electronically throughout the year using the “Article Submission System”. Submitted articles must have yet to be published or are currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. In addition, the submitted articles must be within the journal’s scope. Each article will undergo a double-anonymized peer-review process. The editors retain the right to reject any articles that lack quality or originality without sending them for review.

Authors must confirm that they have read and understood the content of their submitted article and ensure that it meets acceptable English grammar and usage standards. To help with the proofreading process, authors can use tools like Grammarly or similar applications. As an open-access journal, authors must pay an Article Processing Charge (APC) to publish their articles and retain copyright. Furthermore, authors acquaint themselves with the journal’s editorial and publishing policies.

The Indian Journal of Energy and Energy Resources (IJEER) is an open-access, peer-reviewed, quarterly international journal with an ISSN 2583-1186 (online). Starting in 2021, the Lattice Science Publication (LSP) published it periodically in February, May, August, and November.

The Indian Journal of Energy and Energy Resources (IJEER) aims to disseminate high-quality, peer-reviewed original articles covering a wide range of topics in the field of Energy and Energy Resources, including Renewable Energy, Non-Renewable Energy, Energy Conservation, Energy Distribution, Energy Storage and Management, Energy Policy and Planning, Energy Economics, Energy Efficiency, Energy Sustainability, Energy Ethical Standards, Energy Mechanism, Fossil Fuels, and all related interdisciplinary aspects of Energy and Energy Resources

Authors can electronically submit articles anytime using the “Article Submission System” throughout the year. Authors must verify that their article’s content is original and has not been submitted for review or published elsewhere. All submitted articles must align with the journal’s scope. Each article will go through a thorough double-anonymized peer-review process, during which the editors can reject any article that lacks originality or quality without sending it for the peer-review process.

Authors are encouraged to utilize proofreading tools such as Grammarly to elevate the quality of their articles. When submitting to an open-access journal, authors are responsible for paying the Article Processing Charge (APC) and retaining copyright ownership of their article. Additionally, authors should familiarize themselves with the journal’s editorial and publishing policies.

The Indian Journal of Food Engineering (IJFE) is an open-access, peer-reviewed, quarterly international journal with an ISSN 2583-1275 (online). Starting in 2021, the Lattice Science Publication (LSP) published it periodically in March, June, September, and December.

The Aim of the Indian Journal of Food Engineering (IJFE) is to communicate high-quality, peer-reviewed original articles that cover various topics in the Food Engineering fields, including Food Processing, Food Measurement, Food Quality Control, Food Preservation, Food Packaging, Food Storage, Food Safety, Food Distribution, Food Engineering, Food Plants, Food Biotechnology, Food Nanotechnology, Food Microbiology, Food Services and Catering, Economics of Food Engineering, Sustainable Food Engineering Practices, and all related interdisciplinary aspects of Food Engineering.

The authors can submit articles electronically throughout the year using the “Article Submission System”. All articles submitted for publication must be wholly original and not have been published elsewhere or be currently under consideration by any other publication. The content of the articles should be closely related to the journal’s scope. Each submitted article will go through a peer-review process where the identities of both the authors and the reviewers will remain anonymous. The editor retains the final decision-making authority to accept only those articles that meet the journal’s stringent criteria for quality and originality following the peer-review process.

Authors can use tools like Grammarly or similar applications to help with the proofreading process. As an open-access journal, authors must pay an Article Processing Charge (APC) to publish their articles and retain copyright. Additionally, authors should familiarise themselves with the journal’s editorial and publishing policies.